Can move Y need help X direction

Hi, I can workout how to get all my doors to align on the Y axis, but I’m struggling to get them in the right place with the X axis. I use the min point of the bounding box of geometry of doors to get them aligned Y. But then using that min points making it confusing to get the right X location.

So some families are stuffed up when they place. The first door shows this. Trying to get it back to its original location point, at least in the X direction. Just not sure how to add that direction with the min point. Its hard to work on it after its moved as the element.movebyvector gives nulls after.

maybe I move the first point by vector, is there a geometry translate that does this?

You could use Point.add to “move” the first point by the vector you want.

Its tricky, cause once you move it after moving it. You get the wrong location. Unless your moving the element then moving it again. Incorporating both moves into the one vector with these multiple points is tough. Tried this but didnt work

Got it, just had to add the orginal point X location. Not sure how exact it is or if its half the door length out but seems ok