hi again, currently using “Filepath to External Document” node, and it causes civil3d to crash when the amount of files is over 1000. I tested the node alone with simply the list of ~1000 files. Any workaround I can use? I was thinking splitting the workload into chunks of 500, then combining the multiple chunks back into a complete list after the original file set has been worked through.
I’ve been waiting for someone to test it at this scale, so thank you
To clarify, it’s the ExternalDocument.LoadFromFile node that you tested in isolation?
Yes, I tested at 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 files. 800 would not finish, 1000 would crash, 600 seemed ok and generated the expected list of info.
OK good to know. I’ll try to do some testing when I can and identify if there’s anything that I can do about it. My initial thought is that there probably isn’t much I can do (hopefully I’m wrong ), so I would recommend going with your proposed approach of splitting the operation up into chunks.
Hello, I am continuing the program to parse 3000 files, broken into chunks of 150, the program errors and stops at around the same spot on the ExternalBlock.Objects node. I am not able to open the dropdown box on the node.
Can you share the error you are experiencing?
Here is an image of the whole program if this helps.
Edit, screenshot uploaded unreadable, here is the file
NumberDST.dyn (170.8 KB)
What it’s meant to do is loop through chunks of files, 150 each, creating an excel file of all the data, once all the files are looped through, the program is allowed to create a sheetset of that data.
OK that helps. Does it happen on every set of 150?
NumberDSTsinglefiletest.dyn (10.0 KB)
E335-E19-EPP600.dwg (5.1 MB)
Turns out the problem is this specific file. I also made a bare-bones dynamo program to test it.
Dropping by to say thanks again! Just used Camber to edit a gravity parts list and worked great! I’m in partbuilder making and tweaking all the parts for a project and have like 10 families with multiple part sizes that I needed to delete and re-add and wouldn’t you know I remembered that you cannot multi select families for deleting in program lol so I used camber nodes to select and delete families, attached for sharing.
Part Families-Remove from List v1.dyn (44.2 KB)
Do you have an xref example, and does it work with attaching, scaling, and clipping an image?
Now I’m trying to add new families but I don’t understand the inputs or the difference between “description” and “name”; where do I go to find this? Below was my best guess but null.
ohh I see it now, the node is for adding PIPE families, I guess I can’t find the node for adding Structure families is there one or is this for working on in the future
Hi @theCAVEMAN101,
Can you give some more details about what you’re referring to?
Cool stuff, Kirk! Thanks for sharing
Yeah I can’t remember why I didn’t get it in there initially. Should’ve written that down…
I can try to get to it, but I am pretty limited on time these days. You might be the only one that has ever used that node!
I’m trying to attach images to either the model or specific layouts, and I not really figuring out the insertfromfile node.
Sorry, I’m pretty new to Dynamo.
Ah, gotcha. Sorry, that node will only work with XREFs, not images. I think maybe the Arkance Systems package has nodes for that, but I may be wrong.
Thanks! I’ll check that out.
@zachri.jensen Greetings our hero, as you know Civil 3D 2023.2 update has an API new features of:
Are the above features can lead us to create pressure pipe network via feature line or 3D polyline other than your already excellent node which can create only via polyline or alignment?