I try to calculate the area of walls by rooms. An AI suggests me to use the Geometry.Area node but I can’t find it. Does anyone know where I can find it or tell me some node path for my goal? I would appreciate it
Hello @francisca.gonzalez.z and welcome to the community…you could try room bounderies from clockwork or just intersect your room with the walls…it should give a surface or take the room boundery and extrude as surface with the room height it will be brutto area
Doesn’t exist and for good reason. A curve is geometry, but it doesn’t have an area. Perhaps Surface.Area is what you are after, but since your AI has already made one thing up it might be best to provide a bit more context to your question.
ChatGPT recommends you to go through the dynamo primer and read up on the forum guidelines.
Chat gpt proving my criticism directly by building another ‘near truth’ into that very response. It might feel accurate, there is an inaccuracy in point #2 which is significant enough to be worth highlighting.
Revit does not allow directly consuming Python code. Such access is by the Python environment providing translation capability to allows .net access via the common language runtime… otherwise the capability to call all classes would be Python native and we wouldn’t have issues like providing robust error handling in a supported Python environment (ie: CPython or IronPython 3).