CADtext size to match Revit textnote size

Hello Pros,

my question might be answered somewhere in the forum but couldn’t find it!
how to adjust the CADText size from Bimorph package to match the revit textnote size!!

FHC.dwg (189.0 KB)

DY22-CAD-0002-00 - Convert CAD details to Revit from File Path REV0.dyn (95.1 KB)

hello Guys,

i’m much in need for a direction/help please :slight_smile:

I’m on holiday and don’t understand the question.

What are you after and why?

Same for me (and probably other people as well). I think other forum members could be of help if the question was more clear.

As usual, screenshots would help :slight_smile:

apologies for the disrupt, Enjoy :slight_smile:

Apologies for the unclearness, i though everyone knows what i’m talking about :slight_smile:

i’m trying to copy the a cad detail from a file path that contain curves and text (DWG format) using a dynamo script that will generate a drafting view with those curves and text copied into the draft view using ofcourse Bimorph nodes as previously attached.

once the cadtext is copied to revit draft view, the textnote appears as below, the text size is not the same.

i’ve tried to change the revit text size parameter but it does not accept less than “0.22” value.

the intent is to copy the cad detail exactly as it is.

i Hope it is clear now, please tell me if more clarification is required.

Looks like you need to adjust the scale of the drafting view. As CAD data doesn’t necessarily include scale information you can’t easily do this automatically, but check to see if it looms better in Revit at the intended AutoCAD scale.

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you are the Maaan :slight_smile:
it worked and i applied the same concept on dwg to match the revit view scale and it works.

apologies again and enjoy your holiday
Cheeers :beers:

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Glad to help!

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