Door Renumbering By Room (Changing the numbering to letters)
I am trying to do the same as the link but instead of replacing the numbers with the letters, I want to use the Mark Value of the Door.
Example :
Room : 1001
Door Mark : 01
Output : 1001-01
Reason for this?
If I omit a door from a room, I like to retain their original Door number.
No idea how to start.
October 10, 2017, 9:52am
No idea how to start
Just send a screenshot of what you tried, so that we can help you with your specific issues
Honestly i don’t know where to start yet.
October 10, 2017, 3:36pm
where to start
From here maybe:
Hello guys , thank you so much for your big effort and amazing script and also for your time to help the beginner in dynamo like me can i ask question please ,!!! i tried to use this script in dynamo 1.1.02094 revit 2016 and i got this error as shown in the photo below
Or try to Google “dynamo door renumbering”
Thanks for the reply. I have tried this already. It as if flaw when the door is swinging to external.
The BVN package is, by far, the perfect node in acquiring the Room number and writing the info to the door that i have tried.
October 10, 2017, 4:34pm
Why not sending a screenshot of your graph? It would make it easier since this topic has been addressed in many different forms already.
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I’d like to remove the encircled portion and use Door Mark instead.
November 6, 2017, 7:36am
Did you try to get the Mark parameter instead of the Number?
hi Yna, my aim is to have the Room Number as the Door number + the Door Mark. So if the room number is 101, and the door mark Is 01, Door number will be 101-01
November 6, 2017, 8:54am
I guess you could first set the room number to a door parameter, get these parameter values along with the marks and use a String.Join node: