I’m trying to create a workflow to set Door Marks parameter. (And Room Number in door)
Room numbers are like B02-001 and the door to that room should be DB02-001. If the room has several doors then it should be DB02-001.1, DB02-001.2, etc.
Most doors should open into the room they are serving (To Room) with a few exceptions that due to specific requirements are serving the opposite room (From Room). Basically the number should be taken from the To/From room that is not a Corridor or exist.
So it needs to be something like:
Check From Room --> exist and (Room name =! corridor) ---- then set Door Mark “D”+ “From Room Number” and set Door Room Number to “From Room Number”
set Door Mark “D”+“To Room Number” and set Door Room Number to “To Room Number”
Then the second issue would be check if there are Door Marks duplicated and then add the prefix .1 .2 .3 etc as needed.
First problem is I don’t know how to read the From Room: Room Number parameter in Dynamo. Don’t know, maybe this is easier in Excel
There is a custom node from Clockwork package called Door.Rooms which will return the rooms on both sides of a door (if any) as well as the room count.
I’m trying the node DoorOrWindow.FromRoomAndToRoom inputting all the doors by All Elements of Category but it’s not returning anything
PS I’m using revit 2014 and dynamo 0.82 or 0.8. I don’t know if things are working properly as this node for instance does nothing: LunchBox Room Element Collector
I’m trying to continue with this. Now using Revit 2017.
So far I can collect all doors, read and write their Mark and Room Number parameters. I can get the From Room and To Room and read the Name and Number of each room.
The problem now is that the list of doors has 457 elements whereas the From Room and To Room have only 102 and 107 elements (makes sense, as not every door has a room both sides). So there is no way I can write that information into the Door Room Name parameter, as it won’t match unless I find a way to add an element to the list where no room exist.
Any suggestion on how to continue from here?
EDIT: I’ve noticed the Get-To-From Room (BIM4Struc) node is twice but produces different results: one of them produces a partial list of only available rooms (that is smaller than the doors list). The other one produces a full list that matches the number of doors but all the rooms are listed as ‘none’ and when there is no room associated to the door is listed as ‘null’
I finished the graph and it’s working fine sometimes. Other doesn’t.
I don’t know why.
With some doors Revit populates the ToRoom / FromRoom values in the schedule automatically but the nodes Get To From Room seem to fail where Revit doesn’t (API bug?). Those nodes when inputing only one door fail as well but seem to work when several doors at once are selected.
Sometimes seem to deal properly when there is no room connected to the door but others doesn’t work at all…
There are some rules like avoid picking a room if it is a corridor that are specific to the project I’m working on now, but doesn’t really matter.
I modified the Get To From Room node to extract the room number.