hi and thank you for responding, the elements are already created, I try to rely on them to try to find a pseudo left or right or up and down to be sure to place other elements with a start and an end for the moment I start from the center and shift with the direction vector in one direction or another
I’m trying to find a way to know how to identify the begin and end of a curve based on the min of the box
there must be something to do with the angle I think, it’s not obvious to me at the moment
So… there is no way to know which point is the start and which point is the end of a curve by the bounding box. You can find the ‘maximum’ and ‘minimum’ by greatest XY, but the point at the maximum might be the start or the end of the curve… Why not use StartPoint and EndPoint?
using start and end for a horizontal wall which seems identical to the rest, I would have one material with text well oriented left right and the other not it will be on the opposite face as I use a coordinatesystem then I place material in relative coordinates with respect to it.
here is an illustration starting from the start and min of the BoundingBox
2 groups of 2 walls (one defined LR and one defined RL)