@Vikram Subbaiah Thanks. That is disappointing
In a real project deleting all geometry generated earlier is not an option or the tags will go with it.
Anybody can think of a workaround?
Nope, it’s a workflow flaw. Your only workaround is to also generate the tags, i.e. get Dynamo to generate everything so no manual work is required. However, this is largely impractical. Despite the fanfare, and Dynamo is great, it’s still needs a few more years of maturity before it can truly be called game changing.
you can get fancy and store the generated elements ids into a TXT file. Before placing new beams you would check that file for existing ids and instead of deleting them, just update their locations. As much as that seems like a possible workflow, I am not sure if its worth the hassle. You will have to decide that yourself.
@Thomas Mahon. Thanks for your reply.I agree this is not practical. Even if you replace the the tags, manual work will still be needed (text clash, etc…)
@Konrad K Sobon, Thanks for your reply.Not sure how to implement your proposed workflow. Once I know have the list of the existing beam ids how do I get to updated their location based on the mass family?
Try saving your definition after placing the beams. That should store the beam guids inside the *.dyn file and update the already placed beams the next time around. You’ll know it has worked when your *.dyn file increases in size significantly.
Here’s one possible alternative, similar to what Konrad suggested: