Automating Topography Cutting in Revit Using Dynamo


I’m seeking assistance in creating a Dynamo script for Revit. I have a topography element and a closed polyline at 0 elevation level, both imported from a CAD drawing into the Revit model. I aim to automate the process of cutting the topography surface based on this polyline, as currently done manually with the Split Surface function. Furthermore, I intend to extend this automation to cut surfaces along multiple adjacent polylines.

The main challenge I’m facing is encountering an error with the Topography.Mesh node, which displays the message “Polycurves may be branching.”

Could anyone provide guidance on resolving this issue and effectively utilizing the Topography.Mesh node for cutting topography surfaces along closed polylines?

Any assistance or insights would be greatly appreciated!

Why are you even getting the topography?
You only need to create the cutting elements that cut the topography right? As long as it only cuts the topography, the Z value of the top does not need to follow the topography right?

I use the topography for this task.

I have the cutting element, the closed polycurve or the solid extruded element the lot. I need to cut the topography along the plot boundary.

You can just cut the topography.

Create the cutting element separately

The Element.CutGeometry node gives back same two element like the inputs. I also tried with different lacing options. What do you mean by creating the cutting element separately, the solid body is not a cutting element?

You have to connect the right type of nodes.

You cannot cut a NurbsCurve.
You need to feed it the original element, not the NurbsCurve of the Element

Again, nothing happens. Maybe because the two elements don’t intersect, or because the surface model doesn’t appear that way? Should the plot boundary be projected onto the topo surface?

Your cutting element is an Import Instance. You cannot use a DWG to cut a topography.

Please consult the dynamo primer to understand the basics of connecting nodes