Automating Schedule Export

I am relatively new to Dynamo and Python scripting, and I’m in the process of understanding how to automate the export of a specific group of schedules.
This Python script, aims to simplify the task of exporting selected schedules from a Revit project to PDF files. The script accomplishes this by:

  1. Identifying a list of schedule names for export.
  2. Defining export settings for the PDF format.
  3. Locating each schedule in the Revit project by name.
  4. Creating file paths for each exported PDF.
  5. Executing the schedule-to-PDF export process.
  6. Providing a list of file paths for the exported PDFs.

The objective of this script is to enhance project management and documentation within Revit by streamlining the schedule export process. I’m currently facing some issues with the script’s functionality, it should be identifying and exporting schedules based on a predefined list of schedule names, it is currently experiencing issues in correctly filtering the schedules and exporting the data.

Would appreciate any assistance or guidance in resolving them.

Python Script:

# Import the required Dynamo libraries
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

# Input parameters
scheduleNames = IN[0]  # List of schedule names to export
outputDirectory = r'C:\Users\Stephen.Forte\OneDrive - MJM Marine LTD\Desktop\RevitDynamoSchedulesExport(Test)'

# Get the current Revit document
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

# Print the list of schedules you're importing for export
print("Schedules to Export:")
for name in scheduleNames:

# Create a list to store the file paths of the exported schedules
exportedFiles = []

# Start a transaction

# Iterate through the list of schedule names
for scheduleName in scheduleNames:
        # Find the schedule view by name
        collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc)
        schedules = collector.OfClass(ViewSchedule).ToElements()
        for schedule in schedules:
            if schedule.Name == scheduleName:
                # Export the schedule to a CSV file
                options = ViewScheduleExportOptions()
                options.FieldDelimiter = ","
                options.Title = scheduleName
                options.ExportScope = ExportScope.Schedule
                options.ShowTitle = True
                options.FilterByVisibility = False
                # Build the full file path with the specified output directory
                filePath = outputDirectory + "\\" + scheduleName + ".csv"
                schedule.Export(filePath, options)
                # Add the exported file path to the list
                # Print a message to indicate successful export
                print(f"Exported {scheduleName} to {filePath}")
    except Exception as e:
        # Log any errors that occur during export
        exportedFiles.append(f"Error exporting {scheduleName}: {str(e)}")
        # Print an error message
        print(f"Error exporting {scheduleName}: {str(e)}")

# Commit the transaction

# Output the list of exported file paths
OUT = exportedFiles

Welcome to the community!
As far as filtering the schedules. Get the names of the schedules and use the string contains with that list to filter the schedule list.

As far as exporting the schedule to csv format, Revit has a node to do that already
