Automating "Import Family Types"

Hi guys, really need your suggestion about this task:
I’m trying to automate FamilyTypes update/creation inside a Family Document.
Now, my manual workaround consists in:

  1. Opening the RFA file
  2. Insert > Import Family Types > Select the FamilyType Catalogue TXT file (generated with a rather simple Macro inside Excel)
  3. Let Revit to delete existing Types
  4. Saving the file

I’m trying to create a new workaround for a massive (maybe for 200 or more Families) update of the existing files, due to changed/updated parameter values inside each family compared to the datas my customers gave me at the beginning of this work.
I’d like to create a Dynamo script but can’t find the way to import types from that TXT file.
Anyone, maybe expert with Python coding, can help?

I would just do this in a project environment, and then save out the family. Waaaaaaay easier to automate.

Hi Jacob, let’s suppose to have an RVT repository file with all my families charged in. May you explain how you would update parameter values inside each family?
I mean, Set.Parameter.Value.ByName node should work but there are many parameters to deal with and the “manual-mode” is pretty simple and kind of…failsafe, because everything is written inside the familyType catalogue. thanks

Element.SetParaemetByName is the method I would use, reading the type catalog directly via Dynamo.