I am trying to make a dynamo script that auto labels feature lines. I got the label part working but I now need to pull the feature line objects that will be stored in a different dwg. Any ideas? Ideally I could get the feature lines objects by just entering the external dwg location but if needed I can add the dwg as a external reference. I will attach what I have so far.
FtrLineLabel_V1.dyn (45.3 KB)
you need to attach as an XREF so you can fetch the feature lines from the other drawing.
in pseudo code…
get current doc
get the XREF as a block
get the objects of the block
filter for feature lines
get the dynamo geometry of the feature lines
create the feature lines in the current drawing.
here are two .dyn files you might find useful.
Object - Get From Xref.dyn (30.9 KB)
Object - Filter By Type.dyn (14.9 KB)