Is there any script or node to autojoin such steel beams (without dividing curve in Dynamo)?
Auto join Elements (didn’t work with steel beams)
Thanks in advance!!

Is there any script or node to autojoin such steel beams (without dividing curve in Dynamo)?
one beam needs to be primary and the other secondary. Breaking the curve is necessary, or draw 2 new beams using secondary beam end point and intersect. are you looking for automatics steel connections?
But I have too many unjoined steel beams, it is going to be too long work to do that. Yes, I am looking for automatics steel connections
Advace steel connection would give you those options, right. Or start working on a script and post what you got. Hint the solution is not a one node graph, use the advance steel package,
You have two beams crossing each other at the same plane. You have to decide which one is gonna be primary and which secondary and split the curve of the secondary in Dynamo or Revit.
That’s what makes sense and that’s what will work.