AU 2018, submission accepted, it's about data visualization, please check it out :)

Hello Dynamo users! :hugs:

The class I’ve submitted is about a workflow on data extraction and visualization for Revit projects, and it could be particularly useful if you manage 100+ Revit files! So if you have the time, please check it out. :sunglasses:

as always, thank you! :peace_symbol:


How do i check it out?

Hi @maheshnaik.mumbai, you just need to type into the search box, jedi.

You will see a class entitled ‘extract analyse and visualize data of hundreds of Revit files at once with Dynamo BIM’ Thank you <3

Excuse me,I am new wanderer in this dynamo revit stuff. What search box are you refering to?

Have you tried clicking on the link? You should see something like this, I know the search box is a little hidden though :wink:

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Hello Ernesto,
May i ask which tool have you used for data visualization?
I can’t find the link of your materials.

hi @r.chowdhary,
Microsoft Power BI

i used the same.
I exported the revit data as Access database using revit DB link and created a Folder on our office SharePoint Cloud and linked that Folder with power bi BUT i am curious about your mentioned workflow working with 100+ Revit files.

of course Dynamo :slight_smile:
I’ve used it to open all files in a certain directory, then extract data to excel, then analyse the data with BI

…and it was 1000+ files btw :smiley:

ohhhh well that would be a lot of work for our bosses. :frowning:

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