This is my first time with dynamo & revit geometry so I really need your help.
I am trying to create a 3d form that will have modular rectangular panels and with y-offset & x offset (offset from gound) and size that varies depending on the location of 4 attractor points…
But before I could do that, I need to understand how to let dynamo take out the panels that I dont want to be in my model because basically, my attractor point will have a sperical offset/ring that will take out the panels that is within its radius or if not fully inside, will calculate it such that if the volume inside is greater than50%, it will be taken out. Otherwise, it will remain.
To illustrate, in 2d, it will be like the image attached
My point will have an accompanying radius which can be adjusted and any panel that is within the boundary by >50% will be deleted…
Not sure if there is a simple way to express this, but I hope you get what I mean…