I am trying to associate Family Parameters to the Subfamily Parameters. I have exhaustively looked through old forums and am looking for some help on what I might be missing about parameter association.
Specifically for this quest, I am trying to associate parameters through a library of casework boxes so that the casework doors and hardware become interchangeable from within the project. I’ll use the same script again later for developing a library of doors with interchangeble door hardware. The parameters in the casework doors are shared parameters. I am attempting to link those to the standard Depth, Height, Width that come in the casework boxes. I also have some that are getting shared parameter to shared parameter links. All parameters are set up as type parameters, so I’m not having a conflict of type to instance.
My first attempt was using Orchid nodes. In this link, Eric directly addresses the fact that the node fails to operate when bulk operating with familytypes. Unless someone has seen a fix to this, I don’t think this is a feasible way of doing it without re-writing the Orchid node. I also sometimes get an error that says the parameter cannot be found. Which is leading me to believe this node may not like associating shared parameters.
My second attempt was using a python script awilliams put together. This script in particular works when in an individual file. But it looks like it is written to operate with doc.FamilyManager which fails when trying to run on documents opened in the background. Is there a way to operate the FamilyManager on background process? I did run Amy’s python within an individual casework file and it worked. So I know the python does allow interaction of the shared and non-shared parameters. Image of that script is attached but didn’t upload because it’s essentially the same thing as the link to the script.
Anyone that can help, I appreciate it. I’ve attached images of the scripts, the .dyn files, and small group of families for people to recreate the situation I’m using.
Family - Associate Family Parameters_orchid.dyn (40.1 KB)
Family - Associate Family Parameters_python.dyn (40.6 KB)
101.rfa (1.6 MB)
102.rfa (1.7 MB)
121.rfa (1.5 MB)
122.rfa (1.5 MB)