Assign parameter by group

Hi guys, I would like to assign a parameter by area, I did group my pannels by area and it is working well,
I do assign only 1 by 1 , it is fine, but there must be a way to assign each group with a mark that follows… ex; Index 0 = Type A , Index 1 = Type B etc…

The goal is that I don’t have to put 40 List.GetItemAtIndex, Element.Setparameter etc…

Thanks for your help

Just make lacing in to longest

What do you mean?

Is there an easier way to do it? I am not sure I fully understand :frowning:

Count how many Unique Keys are coming from your Group Node. make a sequence “A”…n where in is the Count.

Get rid of the GetIndex Node and wire the elements and the newly made sequence into the SetParameter Node. No need to play around with lacing.

Awesome thanks Bjorn, that is what I was looking for ! thanks my friend!

works perfectly!!

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omg… that is so much more efficient than my manual list of each with replace string… thanks my friend!