Hi Everyone,
Wish all good for you.
I have a problem regarding my script that I have 2 main task here
First task to duplicated Sheet complete with View. This task have finished as per shown below.
The Second task, I want the View that already duplicated to use the other View templates
I try to follow some node but not sure how to go as I am still newbie on the Dynamo.
Please kindly find my Script to help me fix this scrip.
So many thanks for you all.
Duplicate Sheets with Selected Template.dyn (82.5 KB)
Hello @Harywijaya.2
I am not sure what you’re trying to do, the Sheet.Duplicate node already sets the correct view templates right?
Or will the duplicated views be assigned a different view template? In this case you can just set the view template like so:
Hi, there is a node in Archilab package called SetViewTemplate, I’ve used it in similar Dynamo Script as you are trying to do.

Since this is a Script from 3 years ago, I havent really updated it.
But I used something like this to select Viewtemplates for differenc Drawing Types.
Hi mate,
Thanks for your response.
The second statement correct mate : “will the duplicated views be assigned a different view template?”
How I connect my the Duplicate Sheet Script to yours picture?
I just thinking once I run the Duplicate Sheet Script as per picture below.
then there is any option to select the View Template for duplicated view mate.
Hopefully my response not confusion
The warning on View.ApplyViewTemplate
should explain what’s going on. You should have also gotten a dialog when you placed that node as it has invalid input names. You just need to edit the custom node and change the inputs to a valid name (not an existing class) and everything should work again.