hey everyone! i am having trouble in calculating the area of a shape drawn by model lines and joined as a model group where the lines are drawn in a connected manner but it still wont join them as a polycurve/joined curve using dynamo node “polycurve.byjoinedcurves”/“curve.join” in order to create a surface by “surface.bypatch” to calculate the surface area using “surface.area” so how can i fix this please and if there an alternative approach other than the one i am using i will be more than thankful for the help and thanks in advance.
Simplest ways is to let Revit do the work. Use the lines to make a filled region. Get the area. Pass it to whatever and delete the filled region. Or don’t draw lines in the first place and just draw a 100% transparent filled region and keep the region.
Thank you so much for your help will definitely try it out !!
Show us what you have. If the curves don’t form a closed loop to create a polycurve then there is no area. If they are closed (or within an allowable tolerance) then we just need to figure out what node to use. Have you tried PolyCurve.ByGroupedCurves
Then one thing i really miss from AutoCAD.
That polyline .
Yes - had to write my own pline fit command.
But for areas - filled regions and connected lines work just fine.
thank you very much! i did try making a filled region and it worked but is there a way to make this region visible in all the views so i could use it to replace the model group used ?
thank you for you suggestion! i did try using PolyCurve.ByGroupedCurves but i can’t find the node.
you and i both
There is no global one click way to make it visible in all views. But there are ways to manage it in a project. The Copy > Paste Aligned to Selected Views can be used to quickly transfer the element to other views. But before you do that - make it into a detail group. That way if you edit the region, it will be updated in all views. You could also make this a detail group attached to a model group.
You still haven’t shared your graph to let us see what exactly it is that you’re doing and where you’re running into issues. It’s easier to help when we can see what’s happening.
Also, what version of Revit/Dynamo are you using?
thank you for your help! i used the model lines to draw over the filled region so it became visible in all view.
i didn’t share it because it’s a random meaningless shape. the issues i am running into are in the dynamo nodes despite extracting the start and end point of all the lines and making sure they are connected it still wont join them as a polyline. i am using Revit 2021
This is why you can’t find PolyCurve.ByGroupedCurves. You’re almost a year behind the support window so it’ll be tough to find things which correlate with current requests in the forum. This is why people like @Nick_Boyts and I always ask for context like a file and such - we’re blind helping otherwise and it costs not just the time of the person helping you but yours as well. It’s a near certainty you’d be done by now if you had just posted a file as we would have that context. Well assuming someone has 2021 to open… I know I don’t.
Look into the Arch-ilab package for 2021 as there should be a “Group Curves” node, which you can then use for a PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves node.