Applied subassembly shapes in dynamo for revit

Hello! i’m a fresh user of Dynamo for infrastructural projects and i’m experiencing an error with the applied subassebly shape node in Dynamo for revit. Although i have modeled my corridor in civil 3d with a simple custom subassembly, the node makes my script crash and i can’t understand where the problem is. I post my very basic script down here:


could you check in Civil 3D if the “-Python” command works for you?
If not you havent installed the CivilPython, which is necessary for the CivilConnection
For more informations and instructions please look at the guide from Paolo.

If it works for you it would be good that you look at your %temp% folder.
There should be a file called “CivilConnection_temp.log”.
Its showing you whats going on and where the issues are.


Thank you for your help! Actually i hadn’t placed and ublocked the civilpython.dll. I will try if things work correctly.

I have checked the script i was writing and it works just fine! Thank you very much for your valuable help.

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@andrea.dilisa95 how did you unblock the civilpython.dll… I am not finidng where it is located? Either it is already downloaded with Civil 3D or we have to download

Hi, you can find all the information in CivilConnection Guide posted previously in the issue. The file is in the zip folder you downloaded fron github. You then have to unlock it and run it on civil3D to make it work properly.

take a look here:

Thanks for supportive reply