Another Space Plan Generator/Space Layout question

@kristinaEB Not sure how this package works, but assuming areas of departments are multiples of the area of each cell, I suppose it might be difficult to achieve 100% coverage.

If your objective is just to obtain a graph, as mentioned at this post, see if the below definition helps instead
Besides, using the space layout to generate a graph might amount to overkill :slight_smile:

AreaGraph.dyn (4.6 KB)

sq01 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sum(a));
sq02 = sq01 % Math.Floor(sq01);
sq03 = 1+sq02/Math.Floor(sq01);
sq04 = Rectangle.ByWidthLength(sq03,sq03);
sq05 = sq04.Translate(Vector.YAxis(),0..#Math.Floor(sq01)..sq03);
sq06 = sq05<1>.Translate(Vector.XAxis(),0..#Math.Floor(sq01)..sq03);
sq07 = List.TakeEveryNthItem(sq06,2,1);
sq08 = List.Reverse(List.TakeEveryNthItem(sq06,2,0)<1>);
sq09 = List.Clean(Flatten(List.Transpose({sq07,sq08})),false);
ct01 = Math.Pow(Math.Floor(sq01),2);
ct02 = Math.Round(a/(Math.Sum(a)/ct01));
ct03 = List.ReplaceItemAtIndex(ct02,-1,List.LastItem(ct02)+(ct01-Math.Sum(ct02)));
sq10 = PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces(List.Chop(sq09,ct03).Patch());
clr1 = List.Chop(Math.Floor(Math.RemapRange(Math.RandomList(List.Count(sq10)*3),10,255)),List.Count(sq10));
clr2 = Display.ByGeometryColor(sq10,Color.ByARGB(255,clr1[0],clr1[1],clr1[2]));