An Autodesk.designscript.geometry.Mesh warning (Explanation anyone?)

Hi, could anyone explain this warning please? It is being called with a mesh…


apparently there are two types of mesh


Springs has some great nodes for meshes, there are a couple for converting between the 2 mesh types…

Is it something that will become a recurring theme in Dynamo as things grow? I’ve found the same thing is happening with the space analytic nodes.



Dynamo requires the correct information formats to be supplied, sometimes these are a bit flexible…

For example you can give an int or a float to a range and it doesn’t mind

But mostly you need the correct type.

I think you’ve been a bit unlucky, I would guess that your node needs a Line and you are giving a Curve… TBH I’m not sure what the difference is! You can obvs extract start and end points and recreate, or there is a node in Chynamo.

Hope that helps,


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Figured it out, I needed approximate line if anyone is interested.
