Ampersand PolyCurve.ClosedLoopsFromCurves outputs null

Continuing the discussion from Geometry.Explode dereferencing a non-pointer:

I’ve investigated and expanded all of the Ampersand nodes, and the problem seems to be causing the PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves node to create curves made up of less than 4 curves. When this is fed through the ampersand PolyCurve.WindingVector node, it creates nulls and causes the node to fail.

However I’m not sure where the problem lies before the PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves node, and how those cause the WindingVector node to fail.

Hi @gemma.crowe could you share that model you test on ?

And the graph to this point. :slight_smile:

Hey @sovitek @jacob.small , yes I can upload a very stripped version of a problem area in one of my test models. The graph is the one that Sovitek created as a base, I have attached it here.

I am trying to upload my test model, but the max upload size is 8MB (my model is around 14). Any ways around this?
Forum.dyn (32.4 KB)

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Yes you can use wetransfer, webtransfer, etc, and just share the link here :wink:

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Gotcha @sovitek @jacob.small here is a link to the revit model

thanks i will take a look in the weekend, but there is no guarantee for i can fix it :wink:

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Allright have just tried it, seems you only have trouble with one room in that case its maybe better just use some raybounce as here so we can isolate and only create roomseparation in that room…

test separation.dyn (36.2 KB)


Hey @sovitek , this is brilliant! I’ve never seen that rooms by status node before, nor the RayBounce one, and I think with a few alterations I can make this work for the whole building.

Thank you!

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