All detailing and some families have moved down 1'+ the same distance from the floor levels

It seems the central model origin has moved down, because all of the detailing of sections and some families have moved down 1’-0" +/- the same distance for each. We are not sure what happened, and do not want to work further until this is resolved. Is there a way to move everything a once, either the detailing or the model?

Not really a dynamo question. More suitable for the Autodesk Revit forum.

The internal origin can’t be moved. So no one did that.

Most likely, someone moved one or more levels.
Or the project basepoint was moved.

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Hi thanks, looks like the project base point somehow changed to 1’-1 1/2" instead of 0’-0". Only thing we don’t know why it did that. fixing that back to 0’-0" helped almost everything except the one of the duplicated families stayed at the same place. Not sure how all of that changed.