After much messing about

Not finished yet but…

Question is how do I either:
get it into Revit… or display it in a windows form?
OR some display in Dynamo Player somehow?

So my user can interact with it / change the image/ number of baubles without having to open Dynamo.

Suggestions please. :slight_smile:



I don’t think there is a simple way to smoothly change sliders and have it update right now, outside of Dynamo…

You could make a custom family template with the green, brown and reindeer materials, then generate the family in player and hit ok… That bakes it into the revit file and updates it, but given that Player doesn’t keep element binding, you will get a new tree each time… perhaps you would have an ‘offset’ parameter…

You could theoretically have a Form which shows the Image, and a Form with a Trackbar? When the number is updated you kill the image form and generate a new one with the new image? You would need to intercept the ‘change’ as your trigger?

Hopefully there is a simpler solution… Good luck!
