Adding Underlay Hatching to MTEXT by Extracting and Offsetting Geometry

Luckily someone in the following forum post has shared the code within the “group_curves” node in the following forum post: Extracting closed Polycurves from given Surface - #2 by Mohammad_Nawar

I was able to get it to work in my script, so I finally have joined polycurves that I am able to offset. However, I need a way to filter a polycurve that is contained within any polycurve that exists in a list. This is so letters like A and P only offset the exterior lines, not interior.

TextHalo.dyn (16.3 KB)

#Copyright(c) 2015, Konrad Sobon
# @arch_laboratory,

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

#The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variable.
dataEnteringNode = IN

inputCurves = IN[0]

#join/group curves function
def groupCurves(Line_List): 
	ignore_distance = 0.1 # Assume points this close or closer to each other are touching 
	Grouped_Lines = [] 
	Queue = set() 
	while Line_List: 
		Shape = [] 
		Queue.add(Line_List.pop()) # Move a line from the Line_List to our queue 
		while Queue: 
			Current_Line = Queue.pop() 
			for Potential_Match in Line_List: 
				Points = (Potential_Match.StartPoint, Potential_Match.EndPoint)
				for P1 in Points: 
					for P2 in (Current_Line.StartPoint, Current_Line.EndPoint): 
						distance = P1.DistanceTo(P2) 
						if distance <= ignore_distance: 
			Line_List = [item for item in Line_List if item not in Queue]
	return Grouped_Lines

OUT = groupCurves(inputCurves)