Adding multiple subassemblies to multiple assemblies


I’ve succeeded in adding a single subassembly to a single assembly. But i would like to do it multiple times at once. I can’t seem to find a solution for this:

I hope someone could help me.


Hi @sven.deleau,

It should just be a matter of getting the list levels and lacing right. Is the second image the desired result, or something you’ve already achieved?

Hi @mzjensen,

The right image is the result of adding the subassembly.
the red lines(assemblies) stands for the DSN_1, DSN_2, DSN_3:
Only 1 works. what i tried to show in the image is that lacing doesn’t seem to be the problem.

I tried adding a subassembly independently 3 times in a row and that doesn’t work. If that works i wanted to put it into a single node with the correct lacing.

Hope this makes it a little bit more clear

OK I see what you mean. Unfortunately I think there’s an issue with the Assembly.AddSubassembly node.

FYI @Paolo_Emilio_Serra1

Once a subassembly has been “consumed” it cannot be reused, you need to create new copies of the subassembly for each assembly


Is this possible by nodes or should i do it manually?

you can do it with the nodes but the subassemblies need to have different names

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So i need to put a lot of different SubAssemblies into my enu/… folder?
Because manually you can add a subassembly with the same name, or is it something in the background with a different ID?

@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1 Thanks, your solution worked!