
Translated by moderator. For original post see below the line.

Hello @Paolo_Emilio_Serra1, I have a problem adding a subassembly to an assembly.
Can you tell me what the correct procedure is.

Thanks and good job.

Original post below.

Hola @Paolo_Emilio_Serra1 , tengo un problema al añadir un subassembly a un assembly.
Puedes indicarme cual es el procedimiento correcto.

Gracias y buen trabajo.

Welcome to the forum @luisrayaX8DQ7.

The official language is English. Sadly this is a requirement for search to work, so please translate all posts as I did above going forward.

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Hi @luisrayaX8DQ7, try workflow from my first test graph here Civil 3D Toolkit Feedback thread - #669 by Drbohlav or one solution here from @david_licona Please tell me how to use the Assembly.AddSubAssembly node - #2 by david_licona

Thanks, it already works with the basic C3D pkts, but when I create them in Subassembly Compouser it doesn’t work. It doesn’t create the *.dll file for me. I think the problem is that it creates a *.cdmd file