Add Suffix with boolean to determine the index

Thanks for your reply, I am using it right now, but I have a question,
We have the list of doors (in my case windows) that we want to rename. I added the preffix to the duplicate windows in the same room but when I try to rename the element by Element.SetParameterByName, I need to have a boolean or something similar that determine the index of this new names to match it with the index of the elements so that I can rename them.15030_LVs_Fenster_mit numerierung.dyn (30.8 KB)

Hello erfajo,

I just added the Dyn file and the jpg.
(to open the Dyn file, I used the Pakage SteamNodes)
Thanks in advance.

Hello Erfajo,
the script works out perfectly! Thanks!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: