Add insulation in pipe based on diameter

hello dynamo community! i work in this script but the output shows only empty list. is anyone know what i did wrong here & help me to solve this

@sovitek hi sir i need your help to solve this script

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you have to feed instances not values here… the first look

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hello @bim6MRER3 and welcome…whitch package is these insulation nodes from ? have you tried with openmep or mepover…btw whitch revit version are you in ?

EDIT try what @Draxl_Andreas show seems that the issue…

@sovitek @Draxl_Andreas i tried with mepover package aslo but still it shows null

try feed in you pipe instance in element input, seems what you feed in now is the size…im not at dynamo in the moment but share your graph and i can take a look later, if you dont have found a solution

ok sir thanks for the info :wink:

Like this? sir

Yes and try feed in a single insulation type as well…try with get at index for insulation type and see if it work

sorry sir still the output is null

allright what does number from feet and inches node give you ?

Feet and inches node to give exact insulation for pipe, because number node & code block node is not give exact insulation for pipe in my script, sir

alright …guess mepover expect millimeter

Try feeding a number of 0.5 in for the thickness (trying to confirm the feet and inches node isn’t producing the issue).

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@sovitek @jacob.small hey now i got the solution thank you for good time

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great it could work at least ;))

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I’m reading this thread and looking for the script download. Anyone have a link to download?

Hello @andy.gradoville and welcome :wink: this place here isnt for download finish graph from others but try built them self, so if there is any issue just show what you try and and we try help ;)))) its about learning

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