Add 'extension style: Length' to the total length of the railing

Hello dear colleagues, I need to find the ‘extension length’ parameter for the top rail to add it to the total length of the railing. In the ‘Length’ parameter of the railing, it shows the total length of the created handrail. However, when I use the ‘extension (Beginning or end): extension style: Length’ tool, it’s not adding to the total length, and I can’t find the parameter to retrieve this value. How can I obtain the total value, that is, Length + extension style: Length? Thank you

@borgeslimamodeler ,

you have to get the “real” handrail…
realLength.dyn (28.6 KB)



thanks @Draxl_Andreas How do I run this dyn? when I load the project, it gives an error, it says that there is an editable node called element.Location + which is giving an error

@borgeslimamodeler ,

you have to download package clockwork…

i did the script with manuel selection…



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Hi be sure you also have dynamopython 2.5 package installed if you are in 23-24

I’m using 22

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