Hi all !
I’m trying to acquire the coordinates from a linked RVT files. For that, i use the GeniusLoci node “acquire coordinates”, but it doesn’t work, i don’t know why ?
The idea, is to do as i can do in revit “manage” then “acquire coordinates” and select the link.
Thx all, i’m a little of a newbie for those things in dynamo ^^
Hello @f.giraud and welcome… should work but be sure the link isnt already acquired, then it will give null
Thx for the quick answer ! But it isn’t already acquire, i’ve just linked the file before launching this dynamo. That’s why i can’t understand why it doesn’t want to acquire the coordinates.
hmmm…not sure then…try run reset shared coordinates node from genius loci as well…and try again…
hummm i had 2 sites in my linked model, was making a fuss in the acquire node. I deleted the second one for now, but i’ll have to choose between those at some point. Can’t see how i can do that ?