3D view to NWC

Hey guys,

I am trying to export 3D views into NWC files. I tried multiple ways that I saw on the forum and youtube but none is working. I have no clue why… I have the views, I have the view names… what is missing?

Thanks for your awesome help!

Your missing 2 inputs
Document (which i’m guessing is the Current one)
RunIt (which is a boolean set to True)


Omg thanks,

l look dumb, but when I tried with these 2 nodes it was not working. I think it was because I didnt use element.name and maybe there was an error with another node!

thanks Daniel!

Don’t worry we all been there :slight_smile:

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The document input isn’t required but as Daniel wrote it the RunIt input (true) is essential.
You will see that the upper band of the custom node will take on the dark gray color which is a sign that the necessary inputs have been connected.

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Hi guys, Do you know why it is not exporting every view? it is literally duplicated views, so I struggle to see why some export and others no…


Solution: edit python script and switch the NWC export parameters from false to true for the one you need!