Could someone please provide me with a Dynamo script or tell me how I can do it? I need to show the Stations of my alignments in Navisworks
I don t know what pk is, but maybe this is what you are searching for.
Camber Feedback Thread
Ohh, sorry i mean Stations, my bad!!
Can you provide and alignment and profile to run tests? As noted in previous responses, Camber has a 3D Text node than you can use, but you need first to get the position where you want the 3D Text to be and the contents for the 3D Text.
Thank you, ive tryed but im stuck here:
im using civil 3d 2024 (1.4 update) and DYNAMO v.2.19.4
tomorrow ill try it in civil 3d 2025, im not sure if that will help
What package its that? I cant find “fonts” and “modeltext.bycoordinatesystem” nodes im using dynamo for C3D 2024
install camber package
u got solutions?