2d to 3d mep project

hello, can I convert a mechanical installation project drawn in different layers according to its discipline and diameter information into 3d with dynamo?

Hello @emre.kocoglu and welcome to the forum…could you share some material…image/ rvt/dwg/dyn…and an image how far you are…its almost impossible to help you with only these informations…so answer to your question…yes you can do that

hello, I know revit and dynamo (I know a little bit of python too). I haven’t done any work at the moment. I want to know if it can be done. If it can be done, how should I proceed? Thank you for your interest.

Yes it can be done take a look into mepover pacakage and Open Mep package i could be a start

Can you give an example model to start with which nodes are you talking about?

Both package have nodes for "duct/pipe by line, duct/pipe by points, duct/pipe by direction and length…and even for fitting and accessories as well…here is something for open mep…📚 Introduction | Open MEP
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