I wanted to get the 2D area of TIN Volume surface. Currently with Camber package I’m able to create TIN Volume surface and get Cut and Fill volumes. Is there any node in dynamo to get the 2D area of TIN volume surface?
I am pretty sure the Arkance Systems Node Library has a node for Surface statistics.
Edit: After a check it seems to work with Tin Surfaces only, not with Volume Surfaces.
I used to do that by pasting volumesurface in a temporary surface and get the property 2D area. If pasting surface into surface is not available in nodes you could have a look into the Python script node, however that requires a bit more effort.
Thank you very much. I found out the node and could successfully get the required output. Also I ran a quick check and compared the 2D area which outputs from Surface statistics and from Civil 3D volumes dashboard. Both are same.