I am probably just missing a simple step here, but can I get these nodes to move up to the main category node and not be nested the extra “IA” level in the image? I essentially just want them to be Top Level and not an extra level.
I’ve been looking at a similar problem. I’m guessing that IA is a class?
- Namespace: RDG.Internal
- Class: IA
- Method: test
The namespace customization just works on namespaces as far as I know, so I don’t think you can promote test a level unless you rename the class (if convenient to do so), to say:
- Namespace: RDG
- Class: Internal
- Method: test
This guide on the wiki suggests that you can also remap class names, but I haven’t been able to get that to work and I’m not quite sure of the context as the examples given are for the Mesh toolkit which I don’t think is open source so I can’t look at the structure of the code.
Thanks @Thomas_Corrie, your comment about renaming the class got me thinking.
You just beat me too it @erfajo, after I went back I discovered the same.
You would think I should listen to my own advice once in a while. I have been there in the past snooping around for stuff and must have missed this while section somehow. Thanks for the help, even though I did technically get there without it, your post is in fact the solution and I indicated it as such.