Z Coordinate from Topo

Hi @Rock_Ali

sorry i didn’t have time to look at it this week. It looks like the problem occurs when the topo is turned into a polysurface :

when i break down the process of what’s going on in the topography.topolysurface , it turns out the issue is that the triangles of the mesh can’t be created because some points are coincident which, to be honest, I don’t really understand:

It then gets really hard to exploit the output …


I really appreciate your support mate, then I left with no other choice than aligning manually all the families, but thanks a lot for try and lets if any other person will give us solution (for future reference). Take care and cheers!

No problem @Rock_Ali ,
here’s a workflow that will work even though it’s not the cleanest :

Though projectinputonto doesn’t seem to work with that polysurfaces, drawing lines with line.ByStartPointDirectionLength will allow you po get the projection of the points on that polysurface. It will save you some labor.

Hope it helps.

@Rock_Ali This should work
ProjectPointTopo.dyn (6.2 KB)

//Polysurface combining Surfaces

What is the issue with the highlighted within the image? Revit 2018.1 does not seem to cope with TopographyToPolysurface!

Download spring nodes and use the Mesh.ToPolySurface node.

@Rock_Ali did you get your final answer ?
Because I have the same problem as you, I only have one point as a result no matter the technique to do it…

Hello all,

Im having a similar issue, and came along this post, and it makes me feel kinda lucky

I need to place pipes from a certain depth from the topography, anybody has any suggestions how to start going about it!


If you have X and Y coordinates or system lines, try to offset Z points over Topography. After that use LineByStartandEndpoint. Then use Geometry Intersection to find intersection point. So you will have the point on topo. If you want to place unter topo then use Geometry.Translate.

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I have the pipes modelled, without fittings, and i have the topography surface. I need to make the pipes host to the topography. I will try your suggestion.