Z=0 to all lines in dwg

Just trying a dynamo graph to change de Start Z and End Z equal to zero… of all lines in the drawing…

I’ve suceeded at polylines, but not at lines.

Some tip of a “golden node”?

I´ve tying to “break” the coordinates, to change the z for zero, and then maybe rebuilt the vertices again… but does not looks a nice path…(2 monitors wide of graphics…rs)

@rmventura ,

with designscript you can deconstruct your points

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thanks… i"ll google “DesignScript”… but looks awesome…

It is basic knowlage … just snoop out! dictionary is also usefull! @rmventura

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i get to “extract” vertices, but in trouble to “rewrite” the existing lines the Start Z and End Z parameters…
keep studying…

Attached any drawing for testing

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I don’t know if something like that is what you want
LineElv.dyn (18.4 KB)


Hi Christian…thanks so much…
Its exatly what um trying to do!!

I’ll learn with this…thanks again

Is there some especial package to download?

@rmventura these packages are very good
Civil 3D Toolkit

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Christian… the graphic is awesome…but… he draw new lines, instead of modifying the existing ones…

i´m trying to change the “Start Z” and the “End Z” parameters, and still not good…

Thanks anyway … keep walking!!!