How can i change point.Z value to 0 ?!

hey , I have bunch of points and I want to chanege all point.z to 0
how can i do that?


Hello @nia98bim and welcome …something probably :wink: here for points as i dont see any vectors in your image

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Hey thank you for your response,
Let me explain more:
I want to get start and end points from walls ,Windows , door to create line for Dimension.
but the thing was the windows and walls max point has z>0 that i want to cinvert them to z=o
to create line with them.

Point.Project might be an option


You need to get the point x y before feed into you point by coordinates…

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done it thank ,
and just a shrt question do you know how can I get star and end point of door that this situation not happen?

sorry for my bad drawing :sweat_smile:

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Hi a little bit out of context…something could work…in my exemple the door parameter is a type parameter…