You can use DynaPAT_PRO (Hatch Pattern Generator) - dyn attached

Forum it self says that new user cannot upload file :frowning:
but you can easily download project from my companoy file transfer website:

I can’t download it. Just use Google Drive or Dropbox and give me the link, so I can download it without any authorization.

Check this :slight_smile:

Your access were granted… Is it any issue with the drawing?

Thanks a lot for patience :slight_smile:

You have to use lines only, not reference plane. You used reference planes for rectangle boundary.
Use deffrent style lines from the lines for pattern.
Watch the instruction video above first.

Yes, it works preety well in Revit 2022, in Revit 2024 doesn’t work at all…
and eve nif works in Revit 2022 it seems to be very unstable…
Do not know what is the reason… Just see line work for final effect of hachting…
it is not the best one. Have you got any clou how to make it better?

It seems certain linestyle applied at the pattern. and it’s not because the script.
And it works fine on my Revit2024