Writing Key values in Door schedule from Excel

Hi ,I am using key schedule for Door hardware’s sets in my door schedule. But, the problem is I have more than 5000 doors, So choosing key in Door schedule for each door one by one manually takes lot of time. I can do writing values from excel to Revit for all other parameters using either dynamo or other plug ins. Unfortunately, excel to Revit is not working for choosing the key in Door schedule. Is there any way you can suggest me to automate this step…Thanks a lot in advance.

The value for the key-parameter is not a number or a string, it is a kind of element.
You can get this element by collecting the elements of your Keylist-View.
My example german, the door key is called “Türstil”:


Thanks a lot Johannes. Its working perfect!:grinning:

Hi Johannes,

Is there any way like this, I can write the values for Image parameter in the Door schedule by automate. I have loaded all required image to the current project by manage image option. I can paste the image name in Image parameter column and its loading the correct image, but I wanted to automate it as I have thousands of door. I have the list of images for each door in excel. Thanks for help in advance.

Hi, I found it from other post, It works in the same way as element, thanks

Dear Johannes,

can you help me on this,