Write element properties to Excel columns from Revit in an easier script


I am new to Dynamo and I am trying to write revit element parameters into an excel spreadsheet. I have done this so far… but I know there must be an easier way using list node management!

I have identified four elements and nine parameters which I want to extract into a specific column but end up copy and pasting each… which I know is not the Dynamo way, maybe a nested list could be used to reduce the ‘verticallity’ in my script?

Could somebody please recommend a solution to group this info in a more efficient - savy way…? thank you :slight_smile:

You can create list of parameter names and use that on your list of Elements, but you need to set Levels and Lacing. See below (Blue levels, Red Lacing)

You must identify what kind of parameter you want to get (Type parameter or Instance parameter)

Type parameter (ex. Wall Width) : you need to get Types from your elements first then use GetParameterValueByName

Instane parameter (ex. Comment): you can use your select element.

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