WPF ZeroTouch XamlGeneratedNamespace From IValueConverter

To all my fellow WPF ZeroTouch developers, I am hoping you can shed some light on this question. Basically, whenever I had issues of assemblies or different classes showing up under my ZeroTouch node library, I would solve them through the use of changing public classes to “internal”, x:ClassModifier = internal, and [isVisibleinDynamoLibrary(false)].

However, for my XAML UI I have a simple IValueConverter class I’m binding to convert certain values for my UI.
Example of a dummy IValueConverter (Note I removed all public):

internal class ExampleConverter : IValueConverter
    object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return new (double)value;
    object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

When this converter is introduced, it brings in this
“XamlGeneratedNamespace” / "GeneratedInternalTypeHelper”
under my Zero Touch node library on the left bar. Any advice on how to remove this would be appreciated!

I think in general it’s a good idea to exclude wpf from your node assemblies - instead of bundling your ui controls with your node library what about just calling it and delivering it in another assembly that you don’t import into the vm?