Worksharing / Collaboration Enabled


Does anyone know the best way to check if worksharing in the current document is enabled. I know a lot of ways to check like checking an element if Workset and Edited By parameters exist but there should be an API for that. I looked around the Revit API documentation but haven’t found a nice way.

Thank you in advance.


Just query one model element for the workset
That will conclude if it is

Hi @Marcel_Rijsmus,

Thank you for your sugestion but thats one of the ways I proposed aboved. I was hoping for an API like doc.IsWorkSetEnabled or doc.IsCentralModel or doc.IsLocalCopy or doc.IsCollaboration etc.

@blsalvio Try this

import clr
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

OUT = doc.IsWorkshared
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thank you very much, I was searching in the application class, I should have been searching in the document class.