Worksets - Visible in Views

Hi All,

So I’ve created a series of worksets through Dynamo from my spreadsheet, however is there no way of setting the default to hide/show in all views? I can’t seem to find any nodes which control this. - Or can element parameters be used!?

I’m aiming for a simple list.filter to filter those worksets with a show/hide value in excel before assigning the parameter value to the workset.


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I don’t think its possible.

Edit: Try the IsVisibleByDefault option. It might just do what you need. It looks like 2 years ago I wasn’t fully aware of what that did.


Is that still the case?

I edited my original answer. Give that a try.

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For anyone still looking for the answer to this:

# Load Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import sys
import clr

# Add Assemblies for Revit API

# Import necessary classes from Revit API
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

# Import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

# Set the current document
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

# Use the FilteredWorksetCollector to get the worksets
worksets = FilteredWorksetCollector(doc).OfKind(WorksetKind.UserWorkset)

# Prepare empty lists for workset names and visibility status
workset_names = []
workset_visibility = []

# Get the names of all worksets and their visibility status
for workset in worksets:

# Assign your output to the OUT variable
OUT = workset_names, workset_visibility