Wonder how to get coordinate of intersection point among solids

Hi, I know it is easy to select the horizontal adative components and vertical components seperately. Then, achieve their intersection parts(solid) and get their solid centroid points with xyz coordinate. I just wonder if there is a way to achieve the coordinate of intersection points among solids by simply selecting all element. A person did it, but he didn’t want to share it. Many thanks if anyone can enlighten me how to writen the python to get intersection point, I am not good at Python so far.
Hi, I know it is easy to select the horizontal adative components and vertical components seperately. Then, achieve their intersection parts(solid) and finally get their solid centroid points with xyz coordinate. I just wonder if there is a way to achieve the coordinate of intersection points among solids by simply selecting all element including either horizontal and vertical. A person did it, but he didn’t want to share it. Many thanks if anyone can enlighten me how to writen the python to get intersection point, I am not good at Python so far.

%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87 Wonder if there any way to automatic detect whether the solid is on different direction, Or can I turn the adapt

Still waiting for any suggestion