Wireless Connections

Thanks! That was a dumb one on my part.

I got the numbers working, but it doesn’t seem to be able to pass through lists, even with core inputs. Thoughts?

This one just stays blank when I run it.

I think the important thing is which node the input is coming from, more than how the data is generated on the first place. In your example the node connected to SetVar is List.Create, which is still not a core input node.

A workaround to the particular example you mention could be something like:

Is there a reason a boolean that is IF translated to 0, 1 instead of true false doesn’t go through setvar/getvar?

Every component in this one is from Core…

I think it is important to note also that GetVar spits out numbers as strings!!! Must transition it back to number on the other side.

When I said core input nodes, I meant nodes from Core > Input.

It does seem true that from Number node it gets converted to string. Try with sliders instead.

But again, the package hasn’t been updated since May last year so makes sense it is not perfect.
It seems to me that you are over-complicating yourself just to hide a few wires. If your graph gets too messy, try to divided it into parts, maybe saving information into a file and retrieving it later on.

Thanks! That is helpful.

It isn’t too complicated, I don’t think. It looks like this right now:

I am guessing that is about 65% of the completed size it will be.

I will have like 4-5 of these “clusters” which I may eventually reduce to custom nodes, but I don’t want to do that until it works. I hate troubleshooting through custom nodes when things break.

This is a definition I want to implement organization wide, so I want a “dock” of variables in the corner that PMs/whoever needs to look at. Everything else is just spaghetti they don’t care about. This would be much easier to do and cleaner looking with wireless connectors.



Regarding creating the list of strings or numbers, what if the list is generated by something else? For instance, I read the list of user created worksets in the model, and then convert to strings. This won’t work for anything except manually generated lists?


And to anyone who is listening - is ANY POSSIBLE WAY to accomplish making a wireless variable off of a pulled bit of data? For instance something like this?

I thought Python could store the input of a variable by name?


BldgAreaA = input 1

and then in another location you can just refer to BldgAreaA as a variable and it has that input information?

I think you’re better off just defining a function in code blocks like originally suggested.

@Nick_Boyts To your point I was asking about that in the previous post. I am not a programmer so I am wondering if there is a way to create a nodeblock with an input line that will store a reference variable by a name. Then it can be recalled later in a separate code block? Any idea if that is possible?

As far as I know there is not.
The only way to store information to call back later is by creating a function and I do not think it’s possible to provide dynamic input when defining a function, neither in Python nor using design script.

But it would be nice if I was wrong.


I tried looking into what you’re after, and the screenshot is WAY too zoomed in order to do so, so I have no idea if this will work. That said I briefly looked into the options for storing data in other files and calling them in code blocks… It’s doable and not too tricky, but as with many (all?) aspects of coding the order in which you do things and accuracy of your typing are VERY important.

For a good resource in DesignScript, Start by reading and doing the exercises in the dynamo primer, specifically the section on code blocks which can be found here:


After that, try doing this exercise which will create a means of recalling names and IDs for all line styles. I’m doing this in the default template for Revit 2017 and using Dynamo 1.2.1 if it helps you follow along.

I don’t recommend that you do this in your file yet, as I don’t know what you’re doing in there and can’t say this will work with every variable type ever. Get a handle on this first. Note that in my script I had to convert the elements into element ids stored in the csv file as integers in order to recall the data.

While we can’t walk you to the toilet every time you need to go while you visit Japan, hopefully the primer and this exercise will give you enough language comprehension to be able to ask “toilet” so you find one before things get messy.

Guys i am closing this topic as it is solved. @griendling87_griendl start a new thread for your other queries. We can’t have multiple answers in the same topic.