Will this be edited?

Hello. Now, this image is about making one side with two curves.Is it possible to make one side with four curves?

If you leave an email, I will send you a file. I would appreciate it if you could modify it.

@Hithankyou in case the input curves are subd edges, then the request is already known as ALSO-4824. In case it shall be Nurbs curves, please let me know, and I will log a new issue for that.
I will send you a DM with my email address, so you can send me your data example.


@Hithankyou I will share it here, so everyone can use it. :slight_smile: does this file work for you?

DP-Subdiv-from-4-Curves.dyn (27.4 KB)


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Thank you so much!

Is this possible, too? Rail +2 by 2 // 1 by 2 or 2 by 1

What do you mean by “+2 by 2”? Using several connected input curves as one single curve?

What do you mean by “2 curves have no history”? I can edit all curves, and the result updates. They need to be connected, though?

And are you aware of the tool “subtonrb” in the toolbox, which creates subdivision from Nurbs surfaces? So you can basically create any Nurbs using Alias tools, and then using that Dynamo Player tool to re-approximate that Nurbs surface result as a subd.

I think it was a simple error.

(post deleted by author)

What about my other questions? Do you still need those other tools, or is the “subdiv from Nurbs” tool sufficient?

Would you make these two?
3curve - 2curve //// 1curve - 2curve

@Hithankyou would the two curves always be the rails (red), and the other 1, 2 or 3 curves (blue) then the profile shape, which would define the final shape by sweeping the blue curves along the red ones?

Rail 3 curve 2curve . For volume change.

Rail 1 curve 2 curve or Rail 2 curve 1curve.

@Hithankyou the script I provided you should already work for the 3 curves / 2 curves scenario. Simply select 3 curves instead of 2 for the first selection set. Works for me.
Can you please confirm? Will look into a 2 curves / 1 curve solution soon.

@Hithankyou in fact, all your cases work with this script. I have simply renamed it, and named the selection buttons differently. You can now select two or more cross sections, and one or two guide curves, and then the result is created. According to my tests that should cover all your use cases above?

DP-Subdiv-Loft.dyn (103.6 KB)

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Thank you for taking the time to make it. Have a nice day!

@Hithankyou Happy to help. :slight_smile: can you please accept my post from above as solution then, so this thread can be identified as “done”?