Why does the equality node not detect the item in the list?

I’ve added the screenshots of the section of the script where I’m having trouble

Hello and welcome here ;)…not sure have checked for whitespaces ???

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I’m very new to Dynamo, I have prior Grasshopper experience which helps a bit but this is my first script ever that I’m doing. I found a fix myself, converted the data into string before comparing for equality. Thanks for your help!

On the other hand, the next problem that I’m currently unable to solve is how to get the index for the true value. Or simply, I just need to extract the index for “Sheet Name”. Seems like a simple task but I can’t figure out how to do it!

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Ohh yes when we compare with == it has to be the same objecttype…

Unable to make it work on my end :frowning:

try to set your list to @L2 as i do :wink:

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Okay, I’ll give that a go!

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